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Beverly Jacobs Discusses Work Experience and Interest in Indigenous Justice, Politics, Amnesty International, and the Stolen Sisters Report; Beverly Jacobs Discusses the Influence of Her Work for the Amnesty International; Beverly Jacobs Discusses Her Time as the President of the Native Women's Association of Canada; Beverly Jacobs Discusses Current Work Projects; Beverly Jacobs Characterizes Indigenous Justice; Beverly Jacobs Discusses How Canada Can Better Serve Indigenous Peoples and Key Takeaways for Indigenous Justice; Beverly Jacobs Shares Advice for Researching Indigenous Justice
Drawing on elements of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy as a case study, this chapter on Indigenous international law interrogates the widely held and long-standing premise that international law is the sole purview of Europe. This chapter contends European-centred international law arose out of Europe, for European-based legal systems—namely common and civil legal traditions, now practised in many countries beyond Europe, such as Canada. Indigenous international law, conversely, continues to be engaged with today by many Indigenous nations around the world, arose from Indigenous world views. The chapter also examines some of the ways in which Indigenous international laws continue today in spite of colonial disruption.
In Canada, Indigenous populations have an increased prevalence of psychiatric disorders and distress. Mental health mobile applications can provide effective, easy-to-access, and low-cost support. Examining grey literature and academic sources, this review found three mobile apps that support mental health for Indigenous communities in Canada. Implications and future directions are discussed. Alternate abstract: Parmi les autochtones du Canada il y a une prévalence accrue de troubles psychiatriques et de détresse. Les applications mobiles en santé mentale peuvent fournir une assistance efficace, simple et abordable. En examinant la littérature grise et les recherches universitaires, cette revue a identifié 3 applications mobiles qui soutiennent la santé mentale des communautés autochtones du Canada. Les conclusions et les implications sont ici discutées.
"Indigenous Justice in Oceania and North America" published on by Oxford University Press.
An Indigenous lawyer makes the case that what happened to Indigenous children who went to residential schools is genocide and the case should be tried by the International Criminal Court.
This book brings together Indigenous, Third World and Settler perspectives on the theory and practice of decolonizing law. Colonialism, imperialism, and settler colonialism continue to affect the lives of racialized communities and Indigenous Peoples around the world. Law, in its many iterations, has played an active role in the dispossession and disenfranchisement of colonized peoples. Law and its various institutions are the means by which colonial, imperial, and settler colonial programs and policies continue to be reinforced and sustained. There are, however, recent and historical examples in which law has played a significant role in dismantling colonial and imperial structures set up during the process of colonization. This book combines usually distinct Indigenous, Third World and Settler perspectives in order to take up the effort of decolonizing law: both in practice and in the concern to distance and to liberate the foundational theories of legal knowledge and academic engagement from the manifestations of colonialism, imperialism and settler colonialism. Including work by scholars from the Global South and North, this book will be of interest to academics, students and others interested in the legacy of colonial and settler law, and its overcoming.
This book brings together Indigenous, Third World and Settler perspectives on the theory and practice of decolonizing law. Colonialism, imperialism, and settler colonialism continue to affect the lives of racialized communities and Indigenous Peoples around the world. Law, in its many iterations, has played an active role in the dispossession and disenfranchisement of colonized peoples. Law and its various institutions are the means by which colonial, imperial, and settler colonial programs and policies continue to be reinforced and sustained. There are, however, recent and historical examples in which law has played a significant role in dismantling colonial and imperial structures set up during the process of colonization. This book combines usually distinct Indigenous, Third World and Settler perspectives in order to take up the effort of decolonizing law: both in practice and in the concern to distance and to liberate the foundational theories of legal knowledge and academic engagement from the manifestations of colonialism, imperialism and settler colonialism. Including work by scholars from the Global South and North, this book will be of interest to academics, students and others interested in the legacy of colonial and settler law, and its overcoming.
The National Indigenous Justice Summit was held online on 7 – 8 July, 2020. Indigenous thinkers, community leaders and grassroots activists convened to call for justice reform in Canada. In this panel, Professor Beverly Jacobs (Mohawk Nation of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy, former President of the Native Women’s Association of Canada) provided a keynote address on Community-Based Calls for Action and Community Safety. This panel also includes Professor Niigaanwewidam Sinclair (Implementing the TRC Calls to Action and Indigenous Law), Michelle Audette (Reflections on the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women) and Paula Marshall (The Experiences of the Mi’kmaw Legal Support Network and over-representation of Mi’kmaq people in the criminal legal system in Nova Scotia). This panel was chaired by Drew Lafond and Kekinusuqs Dr Judith Sayers.
June 3 marked the one-year anniversary of the report on the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, with its call for a National Action Plan (NAP) to end violence against Indigenous women. This is not new: In 1993, the Canadian Panel on Violence Against Women made a similar...
The amendments to the Indian Act over the past forty-four years have done very little to assist First Nations women and their children in their fight to reclaim their identity and their connections to their ancestry. The Act, originally enacted in 1876, has had a few amendments since that time. In 1982, the Constitution Act of Canada was legislated and with it came the Charter of Rights and Freedoms so the federal government was designated to remove any discrimination in all of its legislation. This included the Indian Act. The amendments following were in 1985, commonly referred to as Bill C-31 as well as C-3 in 2011 and S-3 in 2017. These amendments have resulted in many heated and disturbing conflicts amongst First Nations people, including First Nations women and their children who have been directly affected by the sexually discriminating sections of the Act. This chapter provides a historical overview of the Act, its origins and its inherent racist and sexist policies. As well it discusses those amendments affecting First Nations women and her descendants, specifically the registration and membership provisions that continue to discriminate against First Nations Women and her descendants who are both male and female.
"In Keetsahnak / Our Murdered and Missing Indigenous Sisters, the tension between personal, political, and public action is brought home starkly. This important collective volume both witnesses the significance of the travelling exhibition Walking With Our Sisters and creates a model for antiviolence work from an Indigenous perspective. The contributors look at the roots of violence and how it diminishes life for all. They acknowledge the destruction wrought by colonial violence, and also look at controversial topics such as lateral violence, challenges in working with "tradition," and problematic notions involved in "helping." Through stories of resilience, resistance, and activism, the editors give voice to powerful personal testimony and allow for the creation of knowledge."--
We are pleased to announce the publication of Whose Land Is It Anyway?
While her name echoes across the pages of legal and constitutional history, we also remember the informal [Trish]. At home, that warm and welcoming place, where the door was always open, and the only rule was make yourself at home. Where her splendid children, Brandon, Mike, Kate and Jack displayed their achievements on the wall of honour, and brought their friends to hang out, share Trish's delicious cooking, and strategize over upcoming sports competitions, and projects. Where other children became her children and where they found a loving, safe and supportive home. Where Trish's favourite coffee was always on offer. We remember her on the road, meeting her on the road, travelling with other women and their children, putting human rights into action in Saskatchewan prisons, seeking justice, or watching with great pride and enormous knowledge the kids' activities at powwows, hockey and lacrosse arenas, soccer fields, or concert halls. We remember her scheming and "schmoking," laughing, and cooking up new ways to thwart the colonizer or defeat the machinations of injustice. This is not to say that Trish avoided the world of policy-making. To the contrary. A key member of the Task Force on Federally Sentenced Women in the early 1 990s, she ensured that the voices of Indigenous women were central to the process. Her guidance strongly influenced the Task Force final report and the subsequent establishment of the Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge for Aboriginal women. Trish was a vital expert witness at the Commission of Inquiry into Certain Events at the Prison for Women in Kingston (the Arbour Commission), which investigated the unlawful stripping and shackling of women, imposition on women of lengthy segregation, and their involuntary movement to a men's prison. Nor did her contribution end with the completion of the Task Force and Commission. Trish did not hesitate to bring attention to government shortcomings in realizing the vision of the Task Force and the Arbour inquiry. She was one of the staunchest critics of Correctional Services' divergence from the original inspiration for the Healing Lodge. She worked with the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies and was a trusted advisor and friend to Kim Pate, when they launched a complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission against the Government of Canada on behalf of all women serving two years or more. Supported by 27 national and international women's, Aboriginal, and social justice groups, the complaint called for a systemic review and remedy for the discriminatory treatment of women in prisons and the criminal justice system generally.
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