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SDG 9 - ‘fostering innovation’ - commits governments to actions to incentivize and support scientific research, the development of new technologies, and innovative entrepreneurship. The ‘adequate, balanced and effective’ protection of intellectual property (IP) is a key element in supporting attainment of this and related SDGs, even though IP is not specifically mentioned in SDG 9. In this chapter, we study the Canadian approach to innovation through the country’s national and provincial innovation and IP strategies. These initiatives generally support the goals of SDG 9, but they do not specifically address the systemic barriers that exist for women inventors and entrepreneurs. Different policy mechanisms are required to achieve gender equity and an inclusive IP and innovation environment. These strategies must fully account for women’s lived experiences and must actively dismantle the structural impediments that prevent these inventors and entrepreneurs from fully participating in the IP system.
Price is often the single most important term in consumer transactions. As the personalization of e-commerce continues to intensify, the law and policy implications of algorithmic personalized pricing i.e., to set prices based on consumers’ personal data with the objective of getting as closely as possible to their maximum willingness to pay (APP), should be top of mind for regulators. This article looks at the legality of APP from a personal data protection law perspective, by first presenting the general legal framework applicable to this commercial practice under competition and consumer law. There is value in analysing the legality of APP through how these bodies of law interact with one and the other. This article questions the legality of APP under personal data protection law, by its inability to effectively meet the substantive requirements of valid consent and reasonable purpose. Findings of illegality of APP under personal data protection law may in turn further inform the lawfulness of APP under competition and consumer law.
Our contribution lies in exploring loci and reach of leadership diversity’s influence on proximal and distal performance outcomes to understand how and where these can be mobilized. Our moderated-mediation modeling decomposes the direct, indirect, and interaction effects of demographic diversity among three types of focal actors in governance—Boards (gender-, age-, and ethno-racial variety), Board Chairs (gender and ethno-racial demography), Chief Executives (gender and ethno-racial demography)—on five factors reflecting functional and social dimensions of Board Performance and two dimensions of Organizational Performance. We demonstrate that the Board composition affects proximal board performance outcomes, whereas CEO demography is more related to distal organizational performance outcomes. Board Chairs, a less-examined aspect of nonprofit governing, stand out as bridging both proximal and distal outcomes, both directly and through their interactions with Board diversity and CEO demography.
Fathima Cader & Sujith Xavier discuss conceptualisations and practices of solidarity in response to genocidal violence against Tamils and Palestinians.
For decades, various levels of Canadian governments have gone all-in on facilitating the building of suburban, car-centric neighbourhoods while limiting the potential of urban living
Welfarism is the idea that government should always try to make individuals' lives go better, for them, than they otherwise would, overall. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate welfarism's compatibility with, and potential to support, the ambitions of person-centered justice. Welfarism is a normative theory applicable to public policy generally, but one which has distinct consequences in the realm of law and legal systems. They are considered just to the extent that they generate the best possible expected welfare consequences for all of the individuals who are affected by them. Welfarism is radically person-centred because it requires lawmakers to treat each individual affected by their work as a distinct locus of value, including those who have been subordinated or ignored.
"The aim of this work is to provide a current book-length treatment of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), or the Law of Armed Conflict as it is sometimes known, from a Canadian perspective. Canada’s approach to war has shaped the way in which it interprets and implements international humanitarian law, or the law of armed conflict as it is also called. This handbook provides a useful “first stop” for the Canadian legal community on key topics in international humanitarian law, in a way which pays particular attention to Canadian sources, interpretations, applications and practices where they exist and are publicly available. At the same time, given the iterative nature of the development of international law, especially customary international law, the book will also be useful to practitioners and scholars internationally. Indeed, despite the paucity of publicly available material, Canada has been a regular actor in this area of law and its contributions to the development of international humanitarian law should be highlighted."-- Provided by publisher
The constantly developing norm of access to justice is moving to occupy a central place in the administrative justice system, prompting a need to rethink the values that should serve to animate the system. This article offers a framework for the administrative justice system in Canada, one that firmly and explicitly entrenches the value of access to administrative justice within it. It reflects on the requirements to achieve access for a significant population of its users – namely, equality-deserving communities. The author looks at the historical reasons why access to justice has been a concern for equality-deserving communities, and introduces the concept of social equity from the discipline of public administration as a tool to assist in addressing some of the structural and systemic access-to-administrative-justice challenges experienced. The author rearticulates the foundational values of administrative law in Canada to incorporate access to administrative justice as a distinct value, one that engages with access-to-justice barriers relating to structural and systemic inequality. In doing so, she details five core principles that underpin the new value of access to administrative justice and cites examples of recent tribunal reform projects in Canada that illustrate promising innovations in that direction. Finally, the author describes briefly the ways in which institutional design and tribunal culture can contribute to enhancing the value of access to administrative justice within the broad, on-the-ground context of different administrative actors. Overall, this article presents an analysis of the dynamic interaction between marginalized populations and the administrative state in order to move forward judicial and other contemporary discussions about access to administrative justice and how it should be defined.
"Constitutions are meant to endure, providing both stability and adaptability. Their public legitimacy depends on the ability of the courts and other interpreters to get this balance right. Why, then, has Canada’s constitution--only four decades old--produced so many surprises? Canada's Surprising Constitution investigates unexpected interpretations of the Constitution Act, 1982 by the courts. In this illuminating collection of essays, leading scholars reflect on these surprising interpretations, focusing on fundamental freedoms; equality, Aboriginal, and language rights; structural features of the Charter; as well as the courts’ approach to the interpretation of the Constitution. The public legitimacy of the Constitution requires that it be seen as both relevant, as circumstances change, but also true to the values it embodies. The responsibility for getting this balance right lies not only with judges but also with legislatures, executives, scholars, advocates, and public interest organizations. The thoughtful work of this volume is crucial in identifying, accounting for, and--looking ahead--anticipating potential surprises. Its thorough analysis also offers a view of the Constitution in action."-- Provided by publisher
"Constitutions are meant to endure, providing both stability and adaptability. Their public legitimacy depends on the ability of the courts and other interpreters to get this balance right. Why, then, has Canada’s constitution--only four decades old--produced so many surprises? Canada's Surprising Constitution investigates unexpected interpretations of the Constitution Act, 1982 by the courts. In this illuminating collection of essays, leading scholars reflect on these surprising interpretations, focusing on fundamental freedoms; equality, Aboriginal, and language rights; structural features of the Charter; as well as the courts’ approach to the interpretation of the Constitution. The public legitimacy of the Constitution requires that it be seen as both relevant, as circumstances change, but also true to the values it embodies. The responsibility for getting this balance right lies not only with judges but also with legislatures, executives, scholars, advocates, and public interest organizations. The thoughtful work of this volume is crucial in identifying, accounting for, and--looking ahead--anticipating potential surprises. Its thorough analysis also offers a view of the Constitution in action."-- Provided by publisher
"In The Life and Death of Freedom of Expression, Richard Moon argues that freedom of expression is valuable because human agency and identity emerge in discourse--in the joint activity of creating meaning. Moon recognizes that the social character of individual agency and identity is crucial to understanding not only the value of expression but also its potential for harm. The book considers a range of issues, including the regulation of advertising, hate speech, pornography, blasphemy, and public protest. The book also considers the shift to social media as the principal platform for public engagement, which has added to the ways in which speech can be harmful, while undermining the effectiveness of traditional legal responses to harmful speech. The Life and Death of Freedom of Expression makes the case that the principal threat to public discourse may no longer be censorship, but rather the spread of disinformation, which undermines public trust in traditional sources of information and makes engagement between different positions and groups increasingly difficult."-- Provided by publisher
This chapter is about the distance between law and justice, particularly for people labelled with intellectual disabilities. It calls for a disability-inclusive approach to understanding access to justice that shifts from a procedural justice paradigm to one that considers substantive conceptions of disability justice. The chapter also examines the critical perspectives of disability rights and disability justice, highlighting the gaps between idealized notions of rights and everyday experiences of rights violations. The chapter proposes that procedural reforms, alone, are insufficient and distract from the need for transformative change. In particular, the chapter discusses clear language judgments as a strategy to improve the comprehensibility of legal information. While clear language judgments have been praised, there are concerns that they may oversimplify complex legal concepts and fail to address underlying biases and injustices. This chapter warns against uncritical adoption and calls for broader transformative change toward collective liberation and elimination of disability injustice.
This chapter considers the distinctive nature of clinical legal education in North America. Both the USA and Canada have rich heritages of influential and inspirational clinical legal education. Clinicians from the USA have been leaders in the development of clinical pedagogy and scholarship. The scale and strength of US CLE means that clinical faculty are better embedded in their law schools than in other countries. Canadian clinical programs developed in the 1970s and forged distinctive connections to community legal aid agencies. The future trajectory of Canadian clinics is unclear with changes afoot for legal education and the regulation of the legal profession.
Author / Editor
- Ali Hammoudi (13)
- Anneke Smit (26)
- Annette Demers (9)
- Beverly Jacobs (31)
- Brian Manarin (12)
- Christopher Fredette (14)
- Christopher Waters (57)
- Claire Mummé (19)
- Dan Rohde (3)
- Danardo Jones (14)
- Daniel Del Gobbo (32)
- David Tanovich (51)
- Gemma Smyth (34)
- Irina Ceric (21)
- Jasminka Kalajdzic (68)
- Jeff Berryman (55)
- Jillian Rogin (7)
- Joanna Noronha (3)
- Joshua Sealy-Harrington (35)
- Kristen Thomasen (21)
- Laverne Jacobs (64)
- Lisa Trabucco (3)
- Margaret Liddle (4)
- Meris Bray (4)
- Mita Williams (8)
- Muharem Kianieff (18)
- Myra Tawfik (20)
- Noel Semple (78)
- Pascale Chapdelaine (37)
- Paul Ocheje (8)
- Reem Bahdi (49)
- Richard Moon (71)
- Ruth Kuras (5)
- Sara Wharton (16)
- Shanthi E. Senthe (8)
- Sujith Xavier (45)
- Sylvia Mcadam (4)
- Tess Sheldon (25)
- Valerie Waboose (4)
- Vasanthi Venkatesh (21)
- Vicki Jay Leung (8)
- Vincent Wong (19)
- Wissam Aoun (25)
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- Between 2010 and 2019 (540)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (306)