Throwing the Dog a Bone: A Historical and Policy Critique of the Supreme Court’s Bestiality Ruling

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Throwing the Dog a Bone: A Historical and Policy Critique of the Supreme Court’s Bestiality Ruling
In R v DLW, 2016 SCC 22 the Supreme Court of Canada split on whether the criminal offence of bestiality requires “penetration.” The majority judgment held that bestiality requires penetration and, on that basis, held that a dog licking a vagina is not bestiality. In contrast, the dissenting judgment held that bestiality does not require penetration and, accordingly, held that a dog licking a vagina is bestiality. In this post, we first summarize the factual and legislative background in DLW and the reasons of the majority and dissenting judgments. Second, we critique the majority judgment for: (1) its unpersuasive reliance on judicial deference; and (2) its overstated claim that “buggery” (the precursor to bestiality) had a clear meaning. Lastly, we critique both the majority and dissenting judgments for their reliance on: (1) imprecise sexual terms which fail to bring clarity to bestiality law; and (2) an unimaginative privileging of cisgender, procreative heterosexuality that perpetuates harmfully conservative understandings of human sexuality.
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7/25/16, 4:00 PM
8/1/24, 10:27 PM
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Throwing the Dog a Bone
Sealy-Harrington, J., & Choate, E. (2016, July 25). Throwing the Dog a Bone: A Historical and Policy Critique of the Supreme Court’s Bestiality Ruling. ABlawg.
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