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Religious Accommodation and Its Limits: The Recent Controversy at York University

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Religious Accommodation and Its Limits: The Recent Controversy at York University
A recent request for religious accommodation at York University has generated controversy not just about the merits of the particular claim but also about the general practice of religious accommodation under human rights codes and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The issue in this case exposes some of the tensions in our understanding of religious freedom and religious equality – and more particularly the requirement of religious accommodation. “Religion” (religious belief and practice) does not fit comfortably within the model of equality rights or anti-discrimination laws and seeing why this is so might help us to better understand the conflict in this case – the university’s decision to accommodate and the public reaction to that decision. The first difficulty is that religious adherence may be viewed as both an individual commitment and a collective identity. The second, and related, difficulty is that religious belief systems or traditions may be seen as both a set of practices and a set of beliefs about truth and right, which sometimes have public implications.
SSRN Scholarly Paper
Archive ID
Rochester, NY
9/10/23, 8:16 PM
Short Title
Religious Accommodation and Its Limits
Library Catalog
Social Science Research Network
Moon, R. (2014). Religious Accommodation and Its Limits: The Recent Controversy at York University (SSRN Scholarly Paper 2399846). https://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=2399846
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