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Algorithmic Personalized Pricing: A Personal Data Protection and Consumer Law Perspective

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Algorithmic Personalized Pricing: A Personal Data Protection and Consumer Law Perspective
Price is often the single most important term in consumer transactions. As the personalization of e-commerce continues to intensify, the law and policy implications of algorithmic personalized pricing i.e., to set prices based on consumers’ personal data with the objective of getting as closely as possible to their maximum willingness to pay (APP), should be top of mind for regulators. This article looks at the legality of APP from a personal data protection law perspective, by first presenting the general legal framework applicable to this commercial practice under competition and consumer law. There is value in analysing the legality of APP through how these bodies of law interact with one and the other. This article questions the legality of APP under personal data protection law, by its inability to effectively meet the substantive requirements of valid consent and reasonable purpose. Findings of illegality of APP under personal data protection law may in turn further inform the lawfulness of APP under competition and consumer law.
SSRN Scholarly Paper
Archive ID
Rochester, NY
3/27/24, 4:06 PM
Short Title
Algorithmic Personalized Pricing
Library Catalog
Social Science Research Network
Chapdelaine, P. (2024). Algorithmic Personalized Pricing: A Personal Data Protection and Consumer Law Perspective (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4755474). https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4755474
Author / Editor