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Response to Canada's Apology to Residential School Survivors

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Response to Canada's Apology to Residential School Survivors
Le 11 juin 2008, le Premier ministre Stephen Harper au nom du peuple canadien a présenté des excuses à l'égard des enfants autochtones jadis gardés dans des pensionnats. Les ministres de l'opposition Stéphane [Stephane Dion], Jack Layton et Gilles Duceppe ont fait de même. Tous les chefs des organisations nationales d'autochtones ont réagi positivement à cet exercice public. En sa qualité de présidente nationale de l'Associations de femmes autochtones du Canada, l'auteure a eu la responsabilité de diffuser ce message afin que tous en prennent connaissance. Elle en fut honorée et au nom des femmes autochtones du Canada elle a parlé du fond du coeur en témoignant de l'impact de ce système scolaire spécialement sur les femmes autochtones. I then had to reflect on my own personal upbringing and heard about the horrendous abuses that my own grandmother and her siblings had to endure while they attended the "Mush Hole," the Mohawk Institute in Brantford, Ontario. I also reflected and reviewed my matrilineal family and the affects that these abuses had on my mother, her siblings and their families. My grandmother and mother had already passed away when I began to realize the intergenerational impacts, so I wasn't able to have direct conversations with them about this issue. I am not sure my grandmother would have wanted to talk about it anyway. I was, however, able to sit with my uncle, my grandmother's brother, and he told me many horrible stories. I began to understand how much was stolen from my matriarchal family as a result of my grandmother attending the Mush Hole. It became a reality that our traditional form of educating our children through language and traditional teachings that were supposed to be taught to us by our grandmother was stolen from her; her language was sexually beaten from her and her spirit was beaten by a system designed to destroy her. She was a Mohawk girl whose life was taken from us by genocidal policies of the Canadian government and religious denominations of churches. Most Canadians became a little educated on June 11, 2008 about the assimilationist policy of the Canadian government. Being that this is one of the most troubling "black marks" against Canada, every Canadian person should be knowledgeable that the human rights violations that occurred against Aboriginal children is as a result of Canada's genocidal policies. Every Canadian person should know its impacts on Aboriginal peoples, and more specifically on Aboriginal women. Everyone should know that the negative issues of the poverty, alcoholism, drug addiction and the cycle of violence can be traced back to Canada's policies. We can even trace the issue of missing and murdered Aboriginal women to the residential school system. All of this must be mandatorily taught in all Canadian schools. It shouldn't have taken until the year 2008 for most Canadians to be educated about the residential school system.
Canadian Woman Studies
8/8/24, 1:58 PM
Library Catalog
Copyright Inanna Publications and Education Inc. Winter/Spring 2008
Num Pages: 223-225,14 Place: Downsview, Canada Publisher: Inanna Publications and Education Inc.
Jacobs, B. (2008). Response to Canada’s Apology to Residential School Survivors. Canadian Woman Studies, 26(3/4), 223-225,14. https://www.proquest.com/docview/217446062/abstract/C8DDE8313F044C8FPQ/1
Author / Editor