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Civil Procedure in Cross-Cultural Dialogue: Eurasia Context

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Civil Procedure in Cross-Cultural Dialogue: Eurasia Context
The Idea of the book is to discuss the evolution of civil procedure in different societies, not only in the well-known civil or common law systems, but also in different countries of Eurasia, Asia, etc. Civil procedure in Europe and North America is a subject of enormous scientific and practical importance. We know a lot about these systems. But we do not know enough about civil procedure in the rest of the world. How does it work and what are the main principles? Culture is one of the main factors that makes civil procedure of these countries different. Therefore it is necessary to discuss the main links between different systems of civil procedure. The discussion was held on the basis of National reports from 24 countries.
SSRN Scholarly Paper
Archive ID
Rochester, NY
9/4/23, 12:51 AM
Short Title
Civil Procedure in Cross-Cultural Dialogue
Library Catalog
Social Science Research Network
Storme, M., Treushnikov, M., Gilles, P., Chase, O. G., Varano, V., Simoni, A., Andrews, N. H., Cohen, J., Bocharova, N., Shamlikashvili, T., Menkel-Meadow, C., Uzelac, A., Koller, C., Wambier, T., Fu, Y., Chan, D., Chan, P., Kengyel, M., Silvestri, E., … Carpi, F. (2012). Civil Procedure in Cross-Cultural Dialogue: Eurasia Context (SSRN Scholarly Paper 2280682). https://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=2280682
Author / Editor