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The role of law in global value chains: a research manifesto

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The role of law in global value chains: a research manifesto
Most scholars attribute the development and ubiquity of global value chains to economic forces, treating law as an exogenous factor, if at all. By contrast, we assert the centrality of legal regimes and private ordering mechanisms to the creation, structure, geography, distributive effects and governance of Global Value Chains (GVCs), and thereby seek to establish the study of law and GVCs as rich and important terrain for research in its own right.
London Review of International Law
Short Title
The role of law in global value chains
Baars, G., Bair, J., Campling, L., Danielsen, D., Davis, D., Eller, K., Farkas, D., Ferrando, T., Jackson, J., Hansen-Miller, D., Havice, E., Mummé, C., Ovadia, J., Quentin, D., Rogers, B., Salminen, J., Santos, A., Selwyn, B., Broembsen, M. von, & White, L. (2016). The role of law in global value chains: a research manifesto. London Review of International Law. https://doi.org/10.1093/lril/lrw003
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